That is the Law & the Promise Health and Wealth.
Speak it as if it has already happened.
Manifesting is fun. It is Magnetic Frequency!
In the old days the theory of prosperity theology sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel. Many people in the 1950's called the gospel of success of people. This was the time of finding our self from the 1940 depression the gospel of success during the healing revivals and seed faith was different than that of tithing.
The pastor of the day had to develop a plan to help the people find health and wealth in the gospel. When you give and it is not known about it is best to remain silent. In my growing up years my mother was a teacher. And because I was a only child I was at the table when dad and mom would be talking. I remember us looking at maps and following "The Great Depression". And the new world in America was struggling to recover.
While Africa had had a easier 1884–1945 learned about dollar accounts. Africa was building and so was America. Europe and Asis had a better foundation. The New Thought movement began in the early 19 century! The pastors realized that the prosperity theory had to be educated to give hope to all who were trying to find hope after "The Great Depression".
The world faith movement was widespread by many. Empowerment was educated to show up and learn to be happy. They educated that it was a choice. The folks had to learn that they could recover and be strong and bring money back into the family economy.
Again in 1966 we in America really were just learning about Post Office. I remember my mom and dad looking at a card that was sent to them by family in Ireland. I remember becoming bord with looking at the card. And got down to get one of my maps to check out the distant of how far the card came in mail. Zip codes were born. RD1 was county address and we all had to learn our address street number and road. It was enforced in school, hospital, churches, buying cars and much more.
Real quick, we had the 70, 80, and 90 change us to TV evangelism we had learned that we were going to church and seeding into a church we did not know. 1990s and 2000s, it was adopted by influential leaders in the Pentecostal movement and charismatic movement in the United States and has spread throughout the world. The Holy Ghost was waking people up.
Charles Fillmore founded Unity Church educated the mental health and spiritual prosperity went hand in hand. We quickly realized that the medical field need to rebalance because. The AMA took the lead in physical care and APA developed the platform for mental health.
This too started in America and spread to the rest of the world. In my opinion the frequency of the experiences. The New Thought movement, which emerged in the 1880's was everywhere and developed by many pastors who lived all over the world. All educated how to tilth; we did not all learn how to seed and develop our empowerment of health and wealth.
One region seeing explosive growth is Western Africa, particularly Nigeria. In the Philippines, the El Shaddai movement, part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. The protestant Christianity has also spread the health and wealth thinking. And in my research for this peer review, I found one South Korean Prosperity Church called Yoido Full Gospel Church. The Yoido Full Gospel Church gained attention in the 1990 by claiming to be the world largest Congregation.
God meant for the world to know him. And how to live after all that is the mission down here to learn to master life. Somehow instead of seeding, tithing and manifesting new thinking. We learned to barter which in my opinion distorted the new ideas of money coming to you pressed down and overflowing. We started to see people working very hard and not ever stopping to manifest the new ideas of dreams to money. People became too tired of working and were so exhausted that they drank and worshipped other types of Gods.
I was born of a middle-class family in 1944 and I lived through and developed my life with God at my root of faith. I learned to empower my life with joy my happiness was found in simple thing of life to bring me peace and well-being. And I was lucky to have parents that allowed me to develop my empathic sight and later in life uncovered my full sight with compassion heart of Jesus. My health was always on the brink of no return. And it was not until I became married that I actually discovered plants again. I realized my passion in growing things. And making it a goal and later made my mark learning herbs. People knew me.
The marks that I learned were four simple ideas. Gary used different idea which was the organic original idea that Irene and I were looking for. Distillation.
Infusion: An infusion is when you steep plants in water or oil to glean their beneficial properties.
Decoction: This is boiling an herb or vegetable in water, so the water then contains the soluble constituents of the plant being boiled.
Tinctures usually take longer to make, anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to fully saturate the liquid with the plant medicine. Mostly made for colds and flu.
Maceration: Softening by soaking in a liquid. Maceration is generally used for very delicate plants and the liquid is usually cold or barely heated. My roses were allowed to sit in room temperature water for drawing the goodness out of the rose.
Recipes for calming, restorative drinks which are now called smoothies.
We lived on a old road called Booth Hill Road. Irene lived next door to my husband's parents' farm. I became her student, and we were together all the time. She taught me how to be natural. And helped me find ways for my lungs to be as natural as possible. I had a lung function and asthma. My diagnosis was called environmental asthma.
I was married in 1966 the year of the post office changing.
Well, I was talking to God about Magnetic money. The words from the Lord, I heard were My daughter; God magnetic frequency is income and redistribution of wealth and learning to tithe to your health. The frequency of health is from the body. The frequency of wealth is from the brain on the suture line of the skull. He showed me the color and was infused to the bone of the skull. The process is to find it and develop it as a spiritual tool.
Your body needs organic with the knowledge of oxygen.
Smoothie once a day.
Calcium with D and coQ10
I see for every one of my goals for my be all.
Where are your experiences? My time My money and my intentions to my be all to
make my choices?
Where 3 will investments time, money to create goals.
Power. Peace and belonging is the power center.
SAY: I am achieving my be all power (3 times)
I have the power to accept the seeds planted. How can I. This is how to grow to support.
Check the progress of your growth in your goals to your timeline.
Use Aroma Seize or Cypress and peppermint. To strengthen frequency to achieve
conscious decision and make choices.
SAY: I AM WISE (3 times)
Make decisions as quickly as possible.
We make decisions out of fear or love.
Ask the question: Why did I choose to not do it?... coming from fear? Why would I
choose not to do a task? Realizing is it out of fear I would not do a task
Or: Is it out of love “Why would I not do a task or make a choice?
OR: Is fear the reason “Why would I fear?
Or In love who would I fear? NOTE: which question is the strongest? Has more power to it?
Your body knows. Allow it to tell you, whatever the answer is.
4: The heart chakra. Lavender Oil /Frankincense Cypress, Marjoram.
The color is Green. Harmonize and intent to give more love for self.
SAY: I am loving, and I am loved (3 times). I care and appreciate all I have simply.
What are my most attractive qualities? Acknowledge all tangible and intangible gifts to self and others.
5.) Throat Chakra: Lavender, peace and calming Frankincense, cypress or marjoram.
The Color is blue light. Speak with impeccably appropriate preciseness. I am using the power of my words in the direction of peace and love. I speak with truth and love. I say only what I mean. I am expressing what I want.
I always do my best.
SAY: Now can I communicate as concisely and clearly as I am able to create relationship.
6) Third Eye – our intuition. Color is indigo blue. Intent higher sense of my
Down to envision all goals as already achieved. I am perfect and active.
Use Lemon, wintergreen on both feet.(for pituitary) Put on big toe..
SAY: Every day I will be encountering new people continually to lift my energy.
Who are the people/groups who are now already attracted into my life to be my be all?
7: Crown Chakra: The color is Violet. Use Purification or Cypress.
SAY: I am Clear. (3 times)
My body is a temple. I clearly see my body as a temple and cast off what no longer
serves me. I am enjoyable, simple. Release what is no longer serving me I now release to give a clear body, heart and soul can be all it can be.
In order to receive a goal, must be open and ready.
SAY: I am successful (3 times). The extent of my goals are expected to be met. Use
Valor Oil on feet and crown.
What are the three top goals that I intend to achieve that will bring me contentment to
achieve my be all.
Message head. Ask: Why am I picky? How am I releasing it. Moving out Clearing for Releasing and Clearing out the program that has gotten stuck in my computer base in my brain. Please make sure you ask your question and write them down. It is always better to work with a coach. Anger is not easy to let go of especially if you think your always correct.
Lavender Peppermint Thyme Clove
So, as you create your essential oil repellent, be sure to keep these things in mind: Never use an essential oil directly on the skin.
The best essential oils for a natural mosquito repellant include:
Blue Tangy
8 Essential Oils for Clearing Negative Energy That Actually Work
Scared oils that work the best Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Sage and White Angelica
Other oils that you can add into this base is Paulo Santo, Hoiki to aid deliverance.
When work is done on a system or object, energy is added to it. When work is done by a system or object, it gives some of its energy to something else. ... By applying a force on the ball over this distance, the hand is doing work on the ball, and the ball gains kinetic energy. This is what gives it speed.Jan 31, 2020
In a remote job home-based business network. If you link into a team already moving. You need to bring your top people on your first level and train them. You do not have to know all the answers. You will learn as you go.
Forces transfer energy if the object they are acting upon is moving relative to whatever is exerting the force. Forces cannot intrinsically, do not transfer energy. They set up and illusion. The person then believes the illusion that is fake.
The words energy and force are not interchangeable - they are not the same as each other. A force is a push or a pull which is easily demonstrated and felt but energy is a slightly more abstract concept. When a force is applied to an object, such as a supermarket trolley, the trolley accelerates and moves forwards.
Jesus knew himself and took ahold of power and used his wisdom and knowledge.
In the spoken word to control the darkness. We forget to use are authentic voice under God.
Power is defined as the amount of energy transferred in unit time. The SI unit of power is the watt. One watt is equal to one joule per second. Power is a scalar quantity.
Difference between Momentum and Inertia.
Work | Power |
The SI unit of work is Joule (J). | The SI unit of power is Watt (W). |
What are two types of Energy?
What are the different types of energy? Types of energy can be categorized into two broad categories – kinetic energy (the energy of moving objects) and potential energy (energy that is stored). These are the two basic forms of energy.
Critical mass money is stored energy. Kinetic energy is moving something yourself.
An example of Critical mass money stored is the Loyalty rewards.
And example of Kinetic energy is not stored you have to rebuild that money monthly.
of wealth to tithe to your health!
Who was Albert Einstein inspired by?
He said: “I was talking to the rector of Princeton University last year about how the Scottish scientists James Clerk Maxwell had been a huge inspiration for Einstein, and he said: “You know Hume was as well don't you? Feb 19, 2019"
Who was before Einstein?
There were a bunch of relativity principles before Einstein: Galileo had one, Newton had a slightly different one. Even Aristotle and Descartes had claims that can be taken as similar principles. Nov 3, 2016
What is Albert Einstein IQ?
The maximum IQ score assigned by the WAIS-IV, a commonly used test today, is 160. A score of 135 or above puts a person in the 99th percentile of the population. News articles often put Einstein's IQ at 160, though it's unclear what that estimate is based upon. Dec 13, 2018
The Young Living Blog brings the loving memory of D Gary Young who was the Father of Plant Based Medicine.
What Gary taught me was to disempower evil. No matter who it was or what it was. I learned to take my power back a long time ago with another master. In frequency but frequency healing, breaking the sound bearer and changing the direction of the sound.
Helps one to take their power in a creative way back.
2019Who was Albert Einstein inspired by?
He said: “I was talking to the rector of Princeton University last year about how the Scottish scientists James Clerk Maxwell had been a huge inspiration for Einstein, and he said: “You know Hume was as well don't you? Feb 19, 2019"
WHAT IS FREQUENCY? Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between two points. Again, everything has frequency as matter.
One can measure light. One can not measure darkness; there is no frequency in darkness, only light.
One of the reasons for centuries many use a candle or light in the window to hold evil at bay.
WHAT DOES THE FREQUENCY MEAN? The state of our health and well-being is directly affected by the frequency of our body, and our frequency is affected by the frequency of the things we come in contact with.
Essential oil frequencies have a wide range from 46 MHz up to 580 MHz. Healthy people have a smaller range and our bodies function well between 62-72MHz. Disease begins at 58 MHz. Each organ and part of our body operates at it’s own frequency and each respond to other frequencies in their own way. For example, your heart resonates at a different frequency than your skin or your bones. Using a wide array of essential oils with varying frequencies can help support ALL the systems of your body.
47-580 MHz | Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
62-72 MHz | Healthy human body
58 MHz |Human body with cold symptoms
57 MHz | Human body with flu symptoms
42 MHz | Human body with cancer
25 MHz | Human body beginning to die
20-27 MHz | Fresh Herbs
12-22 MHz | Dry herbs
10-15 MHz | Fresh produce
0 MHz | Processed or canned foods
Because our vulnerability to disease increases as our frequency decreases, understanding some different factors that can affect our frequency is important.
Focusing on uplifting news or positivity
Giving or Receiving prayer or good thoughts
Good nutrition and plenty of water
Fresh air
Using high-frequency essential oils
Stress or focus on negativity or fears
Drinking coffee
An acidic diet
Lack of sleep
Unhealthy food choices (processed foods, sugar, etc)
Sedentary lifestyle
Feeling or being exposed to negative emotions, stress, anxiety
Correction: use essential oils that support the body, think Purification to nunify.
These are just some examples. The choices we make every day directly impact our frequency. Our body systems each respond to different frequencies. By using high quality essential oils with varying frequencies, and making wise lifestyle choices, we can affect our body’s frequencies so that it can be equipped to handle the day-to-day as well as seasons of additional immune stressors.
I’ll leave you with a list of some of our favorite essential oils and their frequencies. Grab some and use them! Diffuse, apply and enjoy.
Each Megahertz is measure to one drop.
580 MHz Idaho Blue Spruce
320 MHz Rose
181 MHz Helichrysum
150 MHz Thieves
147 MHz Frankincense
124 MHz Ravintsara
118 MHz Lavender
112 MHz PanAway
105 MHz Myrrh
102 MHz Acceptance
98 MHz Sandalwood
78 MHz Peppermint
75 MHz R.C.
64 MHz Aroma Siez
56 MHz Relieve It
52 MHz Basil
48 MHz Melrose
46 MHz Purification
Pride goes before a fall. Ego is gratitude. They did research on people who could maintain gratitude. And they found success faster than ego when the person held the attitude of gratitude being a now it all. Ego held pride and anger. Fear is fueled by seeing threats everywhere. I add for me perfect love cast out all fear. And did you know that you could have a reverse ego.
Ego in fear say you cannot make me do this. So, I guard myself of being stuck and not following through. My word for success when I am coaching my team. Confidence builds trust and knowledge is power. Your voice when teaching or training is the authority. You know what you are teaching on. When in sales or hosting like we do in Young Living.
We need to know the understanding of the person we are teaching, training or coaching. your audience needs wants and desires in their goals what they want to accomplice. Your voice is then heard in their hearts so the will not stones wall and wait it out. You voice is needs compassion. That frequency is in the master level and is attractive to those students who wish and need to change.
I really do give thanks to Gary who knew that secret of the universe that people could not hold frequency for every long. This is why people go into burn out, fatigue and much more. I use the personal blends to keep my frequency around 4000 Megahertz's. Because of Gary we have available to us amazing oils from all over the world.