What is leaky gut syndrome?
My journey!! Leaky gut syndrome caused bacteria to pass into the bloodstream through gaps in the intestinal walls. I discovered through a dried blood side what that bacterium grew and was causing Central nervous center issues. My block Colon according to the cat scan was 80-pound stool form with mercury making it almost 100% difficult to remove. The filling came out one by one. I could not afford another 30,000 dollars that I had just paid off. I made sure that I saved the money to remove this was a huge, big goal between these dates of November 21 to June 2022. Just before the last filling removal I became a hot mess. The body was rebellious, and antibodies and a drug reaction started, and the dentist call a stroke on me. I was at the dentist office and had to call my family because I did not want to have a stroke on the road. My doctor then had been following and was understanding my allergies more so when he first looked at me he said no. I looked him and said no what. Patricia, we set goals for you not to stroke. I am not seeing anything that would make me think that you were having a stroke. He looked at my eyes and pointed out that my whole right side of my face was red, and I said it itching. and so is my eye. He said, Patricia your allergic to heavy metals correct. I said yes. He said this is a full-blown reaction to your body. I cannot be 100 sure it is to the mercury yet. Go back and get that last filling removed. The appointment for the last tooth removal was made. I went in and within 24 hours or less was in so much pain in my colon. The doctor set up testing. The blood work and Cat Scan should that I had a full-blown case of mercury poisoning.
Digestive enzymes in the stomach helped me but it was not enough. I knew the small intestine breaks down nutrients in food and that drinking water with nutrients would assist me. In my journey my body was not using what I was doing. I knew that smaller amounts of food would go into smaller molecules that the body uses for energy, growth, and repair. Leaky Gut will be different for each person. In my case I was leaking mercury and after the last four teeth had the mercury removed. My who body shut down. My walk was daily taking care of me praying, reading scripture and eating clean and applying the oils. Last winter and still I am in the process of releasing the stool that got trapped and the inflammation was so great. I had type two inflammation my blood had such spasm it took a long time, and I still am recovering. As you read through my journey you will see the suffering that went on. I documented it for the sake of learning and showing others that mercury should never have been used on our bodies.
I will be journaling what happened to me for your understanding and mine. I am going to add that in my notes from Master Gary he said at one of the conventions. That he said that in 1996 the case where McFadden won the lawsuit in a court of law, stating that patients who have chemical issues in their body should never ever be treated with chemicals or be around chemicals. Once the body shows you it is allergic the medical professions understands that the body will kick in again and again. Your allergies should be on your chart, and you should keep them in your car or pocketbook.
A higher-than-normal CO2 level can indicate a breathing disorder. An abnormal CO2 test result could mean that there are either high or low CO2 levels in the body. Changes in CO2 levels may suggest that someone is losing or retaining normal body fluids. May 23, 2019
The normal range is 23 to 29 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L) or 23 to 29 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different.
Strong Hospital
My GP Family Doctor had sent me to be watched. The doctor in Strong were doing blood cultures. My Co2 was 80 and my oxygen was lower. I had to fight with my doctor to do a blood culture. Only to find out that my blood was lemon drops and half-moons. That is called sickling no it was not sickle cell. Apparently, she the doctor said to me you not the right color. Shock hit me. Yes, my skin color is white. I have never had a racist remark said to me. I was so in shock I did not speak. How I feel about this. is beyond pain of understanding how people feel with raciest remarks. I decided to learn to figure out how to fix this without making a scene but believe me I wanted to make a scene.
From 2015 to 2020 I had been sprayed with pesticides in the apartment building by the maintains men. They were spraying in sneakers no gloves or mask. I went to the ER and Medicaid imploded on me. They would not treat me. I did the best I could with what I knew to do. Enter the season of UTI, drug reaction to antibodies. In 2018 surgery on my bladder to aid it in wanting to stay unfolded. I was driving to big lots and pain overtook me. I called my doctor, and she told me to go to the ER. I was close to a walk in near Big Lots. So, I manage to get myself inside. She sent me in to Unity and I was admitted. I had a Cat Scan, and they were going to do antibiotics the doctor felt he had to use strong antibiotic. I explained that I could not take penicillin. He said do you mind if I do a blood culture on you. No go ahead. He not only found out that I was in fact allergic to penicillin, but he also saw the lemon drops and half-moon for red blood cells. He came back and actually said I am afraid to treat you. He saw the whole picture and at this point I needed to know. It was at this point that I did an out of state blood cell screening and low and behold that showed lemon drops and half-moon red blood cells. I got lucky and stem cell bladder surgery went better than I had expected.
Then the Oncologist wants me to do a bone marrow biopsy. I tried 4 times to do that test. The Most High God spoke to me and told me no; all 4 times. He, God directed me to google, and I found a doctor who was an internist. It was at this point that I found a brilliant doctor. He after Upper and lower GI series and other scans. He had his eye on something, but it was not easy to find.
From June, July, Aug, Sept. Oct of 2020, I managed to find a Hyperbaric center with IV therapy with Myers and Glutathione. God led me at 3:00 in the am to this place and they talked to me on Facebook. I made an appointment, and this gave me the stem cells I needed to support my strength.
The Dental removal then happened in November I could not go back to the Enviromental dentist. I had just finish paying off a huge bill for the removal of the filling on the top of my jaw.
I just could not do that again. I did not realize a few things in this removal. One that the suction was too small to pick up the dust of the mercury and the bigger pieces got ingested. November 2021 first filling removal. January of 2022 and February of 2022 two more filling removed. And the last one was cracked. Before she did that, I had an upset with my eye and allergies. The dentist called a stroke on me. My Brilliant doctor called it off. And did bloodwork he still had not figured out the problem. After that last tooth he sure enough figured it out. I went to him in pain serious pain. I had diarrhea and he sent me for a Cat Scan and boom he said you have an impaction of stool and mercury poisoning.
Just to say, I was check by the eye doctor and my eyes are great. I still have a now small dot that floats area my eye of mercury. That is releasing out of my eyes like black seeds. I notice them also coming through my legs and arms. I see them mostly in that am after sleep. And I wash them off. I have tracked the breast experience below and my hair with the black rods that would not wash off the hair.
I want to encourage you to take selfies of yourself. I was in shock when this picture hit my eyes. If I had not noticed I would have gone totally black grey.
Yes, it got worse and went into my throat. I was at a crises and did not know what to do. I was seeing a doctor who told me who was not really on myside. And did not have a good handle of environmental heavy metals. Mind you my diagnosis at birth was asthma to heavy metals treatment antibiotic of penicillin daily. I went in for shots daily as a baby to 5 years old.
Mud helped release the black.
One of my after picture of Mud.
I was on my way to go shopping and drove myself to Big Lots and went to the corner walk in clinic. It was there that they told me go to the ER. That night from a Cat Scan I found out my bladder had folded and had surgery in 2018. I was tested for penicillin allergy in 2018 in Unity on Long Pond. The hospital doctor notices my blood would not even accept even a slight amount of penicillin. And the culture told him that my bacteria level was out of control. My blood cells were in shapes that as that doctor said scared him to treat me. I realized I needed a new doctor. Still no one could understand what was making my skin and blood and my blood gasses switch up. My Co2 was 80 and my o2 was up and down.
After my surgery I had a upper and lower GI tract looking for a dental brush that I accidentally broke off the handle and went down my throat. The brush was never found, and I felt that it was removed by a healer.
I had 4 mercury filling in my mouth. The environment doctor that I went to for the removal was out of the question. I had just finished paying that 20,000 dollar bill off. She had a huge vacuum and I never got sick.
The bottom was started 2021 of November to remove the mercury. Tooth one of the bottom seem ok I notice that I was sick to my stomach. The next month December I had the next tooth removed and capped but mercury came out and the suction vacuum was small. And the she was missing large and small pieces that went down my throat.
I was home and saw that my finger where I had touched the mercury of me grabbing for it because it was very big.
And another view of my fingers and they hurt very badly for weeks. I lost my appetite. It
was hard to pick up things and work doing daily chores. I order food from my insurance because it was not easy to hold on to things. That went on for a while around two to three months.
The development of my health I need to make sure I was taking care of me. And when you hands hurt. You cannot move the hand well enough to cook and clean. I did thing in small time frame because on top of that I have a lung function that I was born with, and I also have had asthma to Enviromental heavy metals.
My finger turned black like my skin. I showed my doctor.
July 12, 2023 I was wiping my eye and a big load of mercury seeds came out on my finger. You might see the finger below as black those are tiny seeds that fall out of the skin and my eyes. The skin skins into itself.
July 12, 2023, wiping my eye seeds feel out and I wanted to show you what happens to my skin in wiping the seeds. Where you see the indentation, the seed are the most in that area. I put this in this area dated July 12 so you can follow the finger changes.
July 12, 2023: these 3 pictures were taken one right after the other. I snaped 3 picture quickly. In this picture you can clearly see the indentation and black seeds. In that indented line is a whole line of them sitting in that sunken area. Same thumb but you can gradually see this is indented worse now.
Just went I didn't think things could get worse they did. The date June 2021 the dentist called a stroke on me. I was rushed to the doctor. My doctor did a full blood work and phyical and called off the stroke. The doctor said I had an allergy to something at that time we did not have this diagnosis. The face discolored again.
This is not bruise this is how mercury looks on the skin when it is leaking or leeching through the layers of skin. Update to my eye getting new glasses in March 15, 2023. I wanted to share that my eye doctor said that the mercury had not touch my eye. I had a black floater that are almost gone. I used eye drops that are called colloidal defense. And he even told me that my cataracts were tiny. I question him on saying tiny because they were medium to large. I use those drops and recommend them to many.
Mercury along with heavy metals hid in fat cells, bone, muscle. The release of mercury is through the skin, blood to the kidneys and colon. I was trying to hold out to my appointment time. I had diarrhea. I went in he did a so many blood tests checking for this and that. The cat scan found that the mercury dust had formed a 80-pound stool that was difficult to release.
My hair just like my finger and skin my hair got extremely dry. It thinned out and tiny black bars appeared on my hair. In this picture you can see the black tiny bar randomly throughout my hair. It was all the way down to my scalp. I use neem on my hair with aloe shampoo. And added oils after my hair was washed and still wet, I added product to my hair. And it slowly started to respond to the treatment. The white is not mercury; mercury looks like tiny black rods. I say its God at work carrying the mercury out into the universe.
I used this as directed. I did a detox using a product. This was a happening in my life. I just know that the following things happen to me for the good. The black lines came off my hair. And much of the discoloration came off and fell in the tub on my mat. My hair cleared up and my energy came back. Mercury is a deadly illness. I am sharing my story. I also notice my stomach had less gas on it and my liver which had been in stage four liver illness from 2001 to 2004 was the stage 3 which seem to be giving me gas.
June 6, 2023
This development happened. So, 4 black area floats up through the skin. And broke open in all these spots. The mercury that purges through the skin look like nylons black and gray with tiny holes that purge through; to picture your mind think of a strip of nylons kind of in a square. I managed to secure that waste without damaging the other health tissue.
Left breast no wrinkles and a tiny spot. The mercury seeks its own level the red spot never broke open.
June 8, 2023: Right breast when this happened, I got a localized dehydration. June 8, 2023: Left breast below is showing no dehydration. The breast is showing some activity. It was treated with oils and is fine. I will do a follow up picture. I spoke to my doctor because I am still having trouble with my colon. I started November of 2021 through June 2022 taking the mercury out of my teeth. Why this happened is the dust when into my body. The environmental dentist has a big vacuuming cleaner. I never realized that this. I never got sick when I did my top jaw. The top jaw was done by a different dentist with a big vacuum. As this heals, I will take updated pictures.
June 9, 2023 The localized hydration is a bit better in the right breast. I packed it with ointment. The ointment is white. "There Is A Balm in Gilead" is a traditional African American Spiritual. The date of composition is unclear, though the song dates at least to the 19th century. A version of the refrain can be found in Washington Glass's 1854 hymn "The Sinner's Cure". The Clark Sisters recorded a version of Balm In Gilead in 1986.
June 9, 2023: the left breast is 98 % better. The hives are terrible. I invite you to ask me how I worked with prayer and other products.
Right Breast June 10, 2023, 5 day of healing and the dehydration has improved along with the healing of where the mercury broke through. Infection is less.
Left breast June 10, 2023, of healing and the wound is almost gone. The breast is slight needs to be hydrated. We are happy to report that there is small amount of infection.
June 11, 2023, Right breast: Day 6 of healing of the wound where the mercury slides out. Before my eyes. And how the healing has progressed. I am confident that we are heading in the right direction.
June 11, 2023, Left breast Hydration is much better. And we are happy to report that there is no infection and pain. We are continuing the application of the rose onement, cool alzu and coconut lime.
June 12, 2023, Right breast: Notice on day 7 the hydration has improved. Note the redness is almost gone. And the deep area is closed up and healing. My next venture after the wounds is healing. I am draw out the mercury.
June 12, 2023, The Left breast is almost gone and again I plan to start changing the treatment by drawing out the mercury. I will show you as I go. I am excited to show this picture for day 7 of the mercury sliding out and open three holes I saw it happening and could not believe my eyes. Mercury when it moves it either takes the route of the or comes through the skin. This was the first big challenge for skin release of mercury.
June 14, 2023, Day 9 and left breast. The above photo, I am extremely happy with the results. A bit of redness still on the left side but the area is sealed. I feel no pain. I feel no lumps.
Day 14, 2023, Day 9 Right breast. There is a slight amount of pinkness. No pain. No lumps. My plan is to continue treatment and taking pictures. The go and get and Ultrasound. I am not sure who can see spiritually. But I like to point out that there is like white lines that circle the worse happening. God told me he circled in the night. That to keep applying and go get a breast sonogram. I want to point out that I am taking my program.
June 19,2023, The finial purge for the left breast you can clearly see the mercury. And it a couple of days I am going to left this out after I dry it down some more. It is actually causing hives. They are white in the area of the picture. The hives were itching. I accident stretch one to bleed by accident. I am using peppermint to help the itching. I also added copaiba today twice just to see what it would do. The people in Ecuador use copaiba for everything. And it was on my table, and I look over at it and said. Sure, enough going to use copaiba now.
June 19, 2023, Right breast: There is a purging going on here too. Both spots are purging out mercury on this right side. The smaller spots is a bit deeper than the bigger spot but it is pushing its self out all by itself. I am just putting the Rose ointment, body butter lime, Cool Azul and now I been putting CBD ointment on it too. You can also see the hives on this side too. I am allergic to heavy metals all my life. Now we can clearly see that I am allergic to mercury.
June 21, 2023, Left Breast amazing from the June 19 to the 21 day I have been using to new products and I am happy with the results.
If you check back on the dates, you see this broke out by mercury purging itself. I look at my right breast and knew what I was seeing because I had seen this in the toilet releasing from my colon. It literally looks like a sheath of grey black close to the old nylons that people wear in the 40ths many might not remember that. 14 days ago. I said, well I give it to 21 days. I am on day 14 and now can today a shift that the purging is almost done I did a lymphatic massage on my breast and abdomen and groin this am and products with it. My plan today is to keep focused. I can tell the hives are still present more under the skin and visible, but I can feel them.
June 21, 2023, Right Breast that had purge. The white is the hives leaving but still itching. The same release is going on except the right breast was way bigger and had a harder time releasing the mercury that was heavier out. It was bigger than a seeds that come through my skin. I believe staying on top of a break through of anything on the breast is important to stay on top of. I have 7 days to go that I promised myself that I would go and get this seen. I know by the way it looks it healing. I can see some gray black color. I am taking no chances. I am purging this to the fullest out as it exposes itself to me. Note on the back of my hand as herbalist we all have different ways to purge and our favorites. I believe in herbs, and my roots (culture) and specialty are essential oils. I am very happy with the healing and will continue to heal.
June 23, Left Breast: The hydration is steady and staying hydrated better than it was. The thing that I noticed now is that the itching as increase. So, the Mercury has left the space, but the antibodies are on guard. I know I have internal hives.
June 23, Right Breast. below the breast is hydrated but the hives are visual. They are smaller but look white in color and itch like crazy. On that top spot we have more mercury lift out of that area. And the smaller are there was a tiny bit of gray black that released itself. I am very happy with Frankincense and Copaiba and along with Clove and Orange.
June 25, 2023, Left Breast is doing amazing. I am staying hydrated. The hives are itchy. I am happy with these results of quickness of healing. I have been applying on 6 times daily.
June 25, 2023, Right breast: The areas are bothering me because they itch. Other than that, no pain or mercury presenting itself. I am sure that I will be totally fine by the end of June and working my way to figuring out the colon issues. Mostly now the hives are internal, but you can see them shrinking up.
June 29, 2023 Left breast is tiny but it is still kind of open. It purged one last time mercury. It is really a learning experience here. I do not have to touch it to debridement has been fairly easy. I have use baking soda and vinegar. This makes it easier to left off dry dead skin. I can tell the difference because Mercury is blackish grey depending on the size of the piece. The one that look reddish white is a hive. When I did the debridement last night, I said I rather lift that mercury off because my body is allergic to it. My goal was 21 days but that did not happen because of the hives.
June 29, 2023, Right breast: Hydrating well. As you can see the area is healed over. The hives
are still bothering me. I want you to remember at birth I had my first heavy metal and dye allergic reaction to heavy metals on my first day of life. So, I expect to have to deal with hive for a while now. The redness is not infection my style of hives gets red and white. The hives are smaller but still itch. This is day 24 and I am pleased.
July 2, 2023, Left breast: The heat is bothering my skin because I am still itching from the outbreak of being allergic to heavy metals. The mercury has a compounded issues for me inflammation, hives and antibodies. My autoimmune system has been compromised. Antibody (Ab), also known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shaped protein used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects such as pathogens bacteria and viruses. So, years ago I learned in chemistry 101 you cannot mix two bad gases together. When you do you get a new gas that will form bacteria. Welcome to my life. On the first day with yellow dye in my eye. My body had it first reaction. My body spins out of control. I have to build and repair damages. I want to show you what the hives look like the tiny spot that looks like a pin hole with redness. 28 days later, I feel very positive that the focus is moving correctly. July 2, 2023, Right breast: The redness in hives, inflammation and Antibodies at work. As I said 28 days ago Mercury started to purge and it did, so I am trying to calm down the hives reaction because of my terrible allergy to any heavy metal. I can still see hives. With dehydration up on the shoulder. It has calmed down, but it takes a while for my body to relax out of this phase. I am also releasing from the kidneys, and colon.
This is posting will be on going till this is healed. The whole body not the area one by one.
July 5, 2023, Left breast: Everything is healed. 31 days My breast is staying hydrated. My hives are still active. And I am using product to draw out the mercury that I can still see black with my eyes. .
July 5, 2023, Right breast: The right side is healed the smaller wound is gone. The larger wound is still red but not open. The hydration is good and could be better. I am working on that. The hives are still active you can see the tiny white areas.
Yes, the black area is being watch and treated so they do purge like the first time around.
July 29, 2023, Left Breast. What we are looking at here in this photo is hives. One hive is open because it itches bad. The hives are raised, and I am dehydrated. But the breast has responded to treatment quickly.
July 29, 2023, Right Breast has the same response. You are looking at hives. Yes, dehydrated and I am doing my best with water. You can also see on open hive from scratching. I have known allergic reaction from birth to heavy metal, chemicals, dyes, and fragrances. Mercury is still purging out.
The glutathione is doing a great job. This comment does not pertain to the breast. My spasm on my sides is going away.
August 10, 2023, Left breast: They hydration is starting to hang in for longer periods of time rather than wrinkle. The hives are less itching. Now just in less amounts of time and mostly when the mercury is detoxing out. The greyish color is mercury still purging out. The new product is a game changer. I am added to my daily care. It is good to feel the changes.
Aug 10, 2023: Right Breast: This has taught me to really see hydration all over my body. I can actually see that the right breast is not hydrated all the way like the left side is tonight. On the underside you can start to see wrinkles. This is the starting of what the buzz word calls creepy skin. It for some reason today is not holding water. I want you to realize that I am drinking better amounts of water because of a new product. The right side of my body is adjusting. I noticed when I started using the patch. My weight went up 5 pounds. I was not concerned though because I know for years watching many women and men come to the spa for weight loss, that muscle weight heavier than fat. I have been on the patch for 17 days so my weight is going back down. My biggest discovery is that my stomach does not get angry when I drink water now. My water is filter and I drink my weight in water in oz. is a lot of water. I am drinking 4 bottles of 22 oz of water a day and trying to get 22 oz into my body at night when I wake up. I drink a half a bottle. First thing before coffee and the last thing at night. I see that as a huge change and no long a big deal for me. I think I have a habit now.
August 10, 2023: Well, I found this. And I wanted you to know that. My colon was clear no stool or impaction in 2020. My first tooth removal was in November of 2021, and it took until December to finish that one. Then the second tooth happen in January. And the 3 happen in March and I got really tipped over and sick. I waited to June to do the 4 tooth. So, by them my body was reacting hard. Antibodies and allergy triggers to the mercury which is a heavy metal. And I was seeing black in my eyes. The dentist called a stroke on me, and my internist MD called it off the moment he saw me. And said still I am not sure what is wrong, but our goal was not to stroke, and your strength is 40 % better when I tested you 3 months ago. He said go ahead with the last filling get it out. It was a big molar way in the back of my right jaw. That was all it took I was in total shut down of my colon. In this post it has been 66 days of just healing the breast. And both of my breast in a short time are doing amazing. June 6 to Aug 11, 2023.
August 9, 2023, The microwave popped open and hit me hard to raise a whelp. I am one this journey. I have noticed that when anything happens the skin takes the route to allow the mercury to leave. And here we see mercury once again on my face.
August 10, 2023, I was trying to figure out where to put these posts as I blog.
I decided to add them where I have been logging the dates. My impressions are yes that is mercury not a bruise. Bruises turn color if you notice in all my pictures the color is grey black. This never changes color like a bruise. The bags I have had starting as far back as 2015. I really do not see the levels of bags. what I see is that clearing up and tone coming back. My eye lids are returning to normal with less puffiness. And I am less bloated. I do notice that bloat does not happen after I eat. I is random gas and I have to do a pressure point that I am applying pressure. I am not looking at this as a bad thing. I see it as the mercury needed to be push out. I see the eyes and lids. Changing. I have been to the eye doctor, and he told me even my cataracts had gotten smaller. Black around the outside of my eye has gotten smaller.
August 14,2023, Do energy work on my throat. The minute I start to release and detox I become a disaster around the throat area the muscle will lose tone. I am working on tongue or throat muscle weakness. That tend to scare people when I speak my truth. My truth is setting me free. I am empowering myself and taking my power back. This type of detox is slow going and I honestly do not think I could handle a larger one.
Harvard is the oldest university for doctors. I was told to remove the impact of 80 pounds of stool that happen. I was told by my new doctor to use laxatives. Here I find that new research says to not bomb the colon. Trust me the colon will start to spasm.
That will take time to calm it down. I would like to report that the spasm on my sides are less.
He was rescued, returned to sea and the trade, becoming Captain of several slave ships. After retiring from active sea-faring, he continued to invest in the slave trade. Some years after experiencing a conversion to Christianity, Newton later renounced his trade and became a prominent supporter of abolitionism. Now an evangelical, he was ordained as a Church of England cleric and served as parish priest at Olney, Buckinghamshire, for two decades and wrote hymns.
The "Balam in Gilad" is a reference from the old testament, but the lyrics of this spiritual refer to the New Testament concept of salvation through Jesus Christ. The Balm of Gilead is interpreted as a spiritual medicine that is able to heal Israel (and sinners in general). In the Old Testament, the balm of Gilead is taken most directly from Jeremiah chapter 8 v. 22: "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my [God's] people?" (Another allusion can also be found in Jeremiah chapter 46, v 2 and 11: “This is the message (of the Lord) against the army of Pharaoh Neco … Go up to Gilead and get balm, O Virgin Daughter of Egypt, but you multiply remedies in vain; here is no healing for you” - see also Jeremiah chapter 22, 6.) 22 The wind shall eat up all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go into captivity: surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness.
The first appearance of the spiritual in something close to its current form is uncertain. A version of the refrain can be found in Washington Glass's 1854 hymn "The Sinner's Cure," (see link below) where it is in 7s.6s.7s.6s rather than the Common Meter of today's refrain. Glass attributed this hymn to himself, but like several of the hymns so attributed, it is substantially the work of another. He attached to one of John Newton's Olney hymns (2) of 1779 this refrain:
- There is balm in Gilead,
- To make the wounded whole.
- There's power enough in heaven,
- To cure a sin-sick soul.
There is no mention of the balm of Gilead in Newton's poem, but it begins:
- How lost was my condition
- Till Jesus made me whole!
- There is but one Physician
- Can cure a sin–sick soul.
Great friends May I introduce to you Wendy Jo Allen
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You can see my legs are draining you can see that but the swelling. Where I am jam packed with inflammation. My lymph system draining. Check the chart over Wendy, it will show you what this treatment can pull out.
This is not a 70 thing, but it goes way back to before I was born.
Research from quotes.
"Commonly marketed as Mercurochrome, merbromin was the first of a series of antiseptics that contained mercury, a chemical element that disinfects by disrupting the metabolism of a microorganism.
Merbromin (marketed as Mercurochrome, Merbromine, Mercurocol, Sodium mercurescein, Asceptichrome, Supercrome, Brocasept and Cinfacromin) is an organomercuric disodium salt compound used as a topical antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes and as a biological dye. It is readily available in most countries but is no longer sold in Switzerland, Brazil, France, Iran, Germany, Denmark or the United States due to its mercury content. Agent Orange exposure can cause several serious illnesses, as well as birth defects in the children of veterans who were exposed to the chemical." Yes, I am awake now are you. Mercury is very toxic. It is a wonder I am alive. Agent Orange exposure can cause several serious illnesses, as well as birth defects in the children of veterans who were exposed to the chemical." Yes, I am awake now are you. Mercury is very toxic. It is a wonder I am alive. But thank you for this post. I am adding it into my book. Mercurochrome and penicillin were right Infront of our faces. But we did not recognize that this was the new age. Poison, a chemical that we were secretly ingesting. It was never about reading; we were reading the way Christ Jesus taught us to read. What no one realizes is that they are empath who feel energy. Some can see energy as in a picture.
I took my shower and looked down and this had happened. While cleaning this up I noticed the same black bars in this loofa matt.
I took a picture of the mat after three days of detox. The black dots and lines are the mercury that came off my hair.
This would not comb away. The mercury would not just wash away. The shampoo and conditioner I used was neem and aloe together. that allow the back bar to release, and internal healing had started.
Cleaning the tub and mat I completed my research that yes the same black spots on my hair were on the mat and sponge. One can easily spotted by the short-long black lines on the sponge.
In April 2020 I did Hyperbaric 4 times a week and IV Myers infusions with glutathione. This helped me a great deal. Looking back on this I would do it again and am planning to do this again but more for a base of health.
Yes, that is me inside my tube and I learned that it is best to learn to stay hydrated and alive using my oils. I would encourage anyone to Hyperbaric Oxygen. Notice the difference between the picture over this picture and this picture in the hyperbaric. I was 170 in this picture.
Fat cell help the liver clean the blood. So once again the fat body saved my life. But cleaning the fat cells. The fat cells had to burp out the mercury. The year 2021 at a friend's home. and I realized by this picture that my weight was bacteria in my gut. I really cannot impress how bacteria is a strain of parasites. Man, you do not realize how bloated and miserable you can feel. I would like to point out that my inflammation also played a role. I can think back to a time when I was little and not realizing how inflammation worked. And I plan to do my young days. When I get this altogether, I will put the book together. There is a lot to comprehend for the person to know. I had a chat with a close friend about the fact there is no difference between black and white illnesses. I also learn with that statement that is more important to know who you are. Your cultures matter. I am proud of know who I am. And I have fought to be with her and to love her more and enough. I am and will do a book on that as well because that is a story my relatives. And it is romantic. My train jump the track a bit but I did that so you could understand me. And in hopes someone suffering from the heavy metal syndrome.
Environmenntal illness is a nightmare that cannot be seen or detected for years. It can pop up as allergies. The moments you think you're doing alright your body will flare.
I forgot to say that I had been tracking my blood with a dried blood slide with a Brandi Stewart in Florida that Dr. Lisa Marsh has been guiding me through. I plan on using a stem cell patch that she has and then I believe with be June 2023 when I order that. Update I did order that patch and the first one I order was Glutathione. It is working nicely.
St Patrick Day of March 2023. I struggled through 2022.
Heading up to my gym here where I live. May 9, 2023, Mother Day this was taken, and I have been hard at work. Working a plan of action. I set goals daily at the start of my day. And work a plan of action.
October 2023 and the lots of healing has gone on. It been a minute or two since I posted my health healing journey. I am down 37 pounds and 37pounds to go will place me at 137 pounds.
When I get to that weight, I will see how I feel and decide if I need, want and desire to go lower. I am 5'2 1/2 inches. So I am not sure that smaller at that point might be too thin for my age.
Translating Frequency into megahertz's and understanding how the medical field works.
We talk in terms of temperature and wave lengths.
97.4 = 57 to 58 megahertz. My normal temperature and wave lengths on my heart with an EKG are good. I have never needed a EEG maybe years ago as a child. Both are measured in wave of length of a frequency. How long, how high, how balanced.
98.6 is around 60 megahertz.
99 is around 70 megahertz's even though that can be normal for some people and for me it would be a fever.
Can you image? One drop looking so golden? Our oils all have color to it. Blue Spruce grows blue but distill it and it is turn pink. I like to think that going to the farm is something that everyone should do. I always have a passionate heart for the farms. My dream is to be able to see all the farms in person.
Eating fresh is hard these days to find food with quality organically grown. And that the food store has not sprayed the food with pesticides or spray that would give me a drug reaction.
Here you can clearly see firsthand how negative thoughts take away - and lower. How positive thoughts add + plus.
Yes, I still use the cheat sheets to add my drops and add them all up when making a recipe.